
We’re delighted to offer apprenticeships with the goal of fostering the next generation of farmers - and cheesemakers - who will appreciate and continue our mission to produce world-class products in a sustainable and environmentally responsible manner, focusing, as we do, on our community, conservation, and farmland.

Our apprentices not only work at our farm and creamery located in southern Vermont, getting firsthand exposure to the process of making unique artisan cheeses such as our Pawlet, Rupert, and Dorset Hidden Star, but will visit other creameries in Vermont and experience cultural activities throughout New England during their stay.  

Apprenticeship programs offer young adults the unique opportunity to experience - and appreciate - the challenging work of farm life, learn about the importance of sustainability, and being good neighbors.

While we had been hosting students from France’s L’Ecole Supérieure d’Agriculture d’Angers for nearly ten years, last year we were pleased to also participate in the inaugural apprenticeship program offered by the Anne Saxelby Legacy Fund. Created to provide a one-month paid apprenticeship for young adults to live on sustainable farms - to work, learn, and be inspired to create change in their communities - we look forward to continuing our partnership with the ASLF again this year.

To learn more about the Anne Saxelby Legacy Fund, please visit their website.